Saturday, 10 March 2012

Bike-Run 10/03/2012

6.03 on the bike, felt absolutely spanked on the way back from St. Albans. Nutrition working well, if a little to little at the end. Tropical Power gel's strangling becomming tasty now. Need to work out some savoury energy fuel, sweet is boring after too many hours.

56 minutes on foot, couple of laps of queen's park and then down the grand union canal. Groin a bit tight on the run, stopped up just before the hour mark to be careful but felt like I could go on without to much discomfort. Took the whole of the first km to get into running gait.

Good marker session.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

04/03/2012 Bike-Run

Bike -Three hours mountain biking in Whinlatter. Rode gently on the first lap with dad and then upped the pace for climbs on the red and blue to follow. Almost crashed twice coming downhill on the red. Slammed it on the third lap on the blue, gritted teeth and pain.

Run - forty minute run back to Whinfell, legs felt good, bit surprised about going downhill but momentum overcame fatigue. Momentum something I can't rely upon in the New Forest.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Bike-Run 18/02/2012

5.26 on bike, up into Chilterns and back. St. Albans, Harpenden.

Good ride, still not getting nutrition right, need to use countdown timer as reminder. New fuels working well as was new kit.

51 running around queens park, felt spaced for much of it, dehydrated, left calf slightly tight again.

Swim 17/02/2012

17/02/2012 Swim

1500m breaststroke, front crawl, backstroke.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

16/02/2012 - Swim

2k - 44.13
Stroke excellent this morning, feeling more efficient and powerful, concentrating on reaching to the fullest extent with the catch. Need to develop rotation of chest as I pull through and remember to maintain the force of the catch through to the waste. Kick slightly improved, need to use fins to work on this.

Distance was ok, felt like I was going as fast as I could, although slower than previous session this week. Erratic 500m's alternately feeling good and strong and bad and weak.

14/01/2012 - Swim

2k - 43.55
Felt pretty good, tigthness in right shoulder eased after awhile. Feeling strong again in the final quarter. Stroke good at the start and then by the end had fallen apart.

Monday, 13 February 2012

13/02/12 Bike-Run-Squash

Cycled for 4.45 - Legs went through a number of shades of pale, feeling really strong for the first two hours and then started eating, giving a bit power, felt dead in the fourth hour, empty. Probably didn't eat enough throughout, but only started eating when i felt hungry. Fuel questionable to power bars and two breakaways and water on board.

Nice ride out to Staines-Windsor-Staines-Richmond (1 lap of the park)-Home

Run - 30 Shook of staggering legs after 1km and then ran quite freely. Felt pretty blitzed after half an hour and wondered how it will be possible to run a marathon.

Squash - W 4-1, first game couldn't get myself at the right speed, but found my legs by the second and then an epic comeback in the fifth.